



(株)和光、(株)新宿高野、(株)日経新聞社、(株)米八、バーバリー・ジャパン(株)、 (株)タカノフルーツパーラー、(株)小学館、(株)世界文化社、バカラ パシフィック(株)、 コトブキシーティング(株)、(株)長岡書店、(株)ハースト婦人画報社、(株)パリミキ、 (株)世界文化社リテイリング、(株)扶桑社、avex(株)、(株)文化出版局 (株)ル・リオン 他多数

While studying architecture at university, she became fascinated with graphic design and began creating her own graphic works. After graduating from college, she studied at an art college in the U.S., where she honed her design skills and sensibilities. After returning to Japan, she gained experience at a major publishing company, where she participated in a launch project for a fashion magazine. Thereafter, she was engaged in design work for the magazine and its production.

In 2001, she became independent and established her own design firm. Currently, as a freelance art director, she provides direction, design, and consulting services in a wide variety of production fields, including web design, printed materials, and digital media. She has extensive experience in multilingual (English and Chinese) production and is involved in the entire process from visual planning to submission, providing creative solutions to meet the needs of her clients.

Wako Co., Ltd., Shinjuku Takano Co., Ltd., Nikkei Inc., Yonehachi Co., Ltd., Burberry Japan Co., Ltd., Takano Fruit Parlor Co., Ltd., Shogakukan Inc., Sekai Bunkasha Inc., Baccarat Pacific Co., Ltd., Kotobuki Seating Co., Ltd., Nagaoka Shoten Co., Ltd., Hearst Fujingaho Co., Ltd., Paris Miki Co., Ltd., Sekai Bunkasha Retailing Co., Ltd., Fusosha Publishing Inc., Avex Inc., Bunka Publishing Bureau Co., Ltd., Le Lion Co., Ltd., and many others.